• Kesawa Sudarsih Universitas Widya Husada Semarang
  • Mega Indah P Universitas Widya Husada Semarang
  • Saifudin . Universitas Widya Husada Semarang


Intravenous Pyelography is radiographic examination using contrast media in the urinary system (Bontrager, 2010). According to the theory Frank et al (2012), the examination of Intravenous Pyelography made Anteroposterior (AP) projection in the range of 3 to 20 minutes, there are several stage among other Plain abdominal AP projection, injection of contrast media, AP projection nephrogram phase (30 second after injection of contrast media), AP projection filled bladder (3-9 minutes after injection of contrast media), AP projection prevoiding, Lateral projection to see the masses and post micturition AP projection. While taking radiograph the examination of Intravenous Pyelography at Radiology Department of Dr. Moewardi Hospital is plain abdominal AP projection, , injection of contrast media, AP projection 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes after injection of contrast media, oblique projection/Left Posterior Oblique (LPO), and post micturition AP projection. The porpose of this study was to determine the examination of Intravenous Pyelography in the case of ovarian solid tumors and determine the role of examination of Intravenous Pyelography in case of ovarian solid tumors.

      Methods of research by the author is a qualitative research approach of descriptive case studies. Data collection is done by observation, documentation and interview with a doctor of Radiology, Radiographer at Radiology Department of Dr. Moewardi Hospital and doctor sender from poly obsgyn. Observation and inerview in the reduction then categorized to be made open coding, further data processing and presented in the form of quotes to get the conclution and suggestion.

      The result illustrate that the examination Intravenous Pyelography in case of ovarian solid tumors at Radiology Department of Dr. Moewardi Hospital using plain abdominal AP projection, , injection of contrast media, AP projection 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes after injection of contrast media, oblique projection/Left Posterior Oblique (LPO), and post micturition AP projection. The reason for the use of oblique projection because it will look indented from the side of the three-dimensional, whereas it will seen from the lateral side of the two-dimensional. The examinational of Intravenous Pyelography role is to look at the function of urinary tract, especially in the urinary bladder, is there any adverse effect caused due to displacement of solid ovarian tumors.

Author Biography

Kesawa Sudarsih, Universitas Widya Husada Semarang

Intravenous Pyelography is radiographic examination using contrast media in the urinary system (Bontrager, 2010). According to the theory Frank et al (2012), the examination of Intravenous Pyelography made Anteroposterior (AP) projection in the range of 3 to 20 minutes, there are several stage among other Plain abdominal AP projection, injection of contrast media, AP projection nephrogram phase (30 second after injection of contrast media), AP projection filled bladder (3-9 minutes after injection of contrast media), AP projection prevoiding, Lateral projection to see the masses and post micturition AP projection. While taking radiograph the examination of Intravenous Pyelography at Radiology Department of Dr. Moewardi Hospital is plain abdominal AP projection, , injection of contrast media, AP projection 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes after injection of contrast media, oblique projection/Left Posterior Oblique (LPO), and post micturition AP projection. The porpose of this study was to determine the examination of Intravenous Pyelography in the case of ovarian solid tumors and determine the role of examination of Intravenous Pyelography in case of ovarian solid tumors.

      Methods of research by the author is a qualitative research approach of descriptive case studies. Data collection is done by observation, documentation and interview with a doctor of Radiology, Radiographer at Radiology Department of Dr. Moewardi Hospital and doctor sender from poly obsgyn. Observation and inerview in the reduction then categorized to be made open coding, further data processing and presented in the form of quotes to get the conclution and suggestion.

      The result illustrate that the examination Intravenous Pyelography in case of ovarian solid tumors at Radiology Department of Dr. Moewardi Hospital using plain abdominal AP projection, , injection of contrast media, AP projection 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes after injection of contrast media, oblique projection/Left Posterior Oblique (LPO), and post micturition AP projection. The reason for the use of oblique projection because it will look indented from the side of the three-dimensional, whereas it will seen from the lateral side of the two-dimensional. The examinational of Intravenous Pyelography role is to look at the function of urinary tract, especially in the urinary bladder, is there any adverse effect caused due to displacement of solid ovarian tumors.


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How to Cite
SUDARSIH, Kesawa; INDAH P, Mega; ., Saifudin. TEKNIK PEMERIKSAAN INTRAVENA PYELOGRAFI PADA KASUS TUMOR PADAT OVARIUM DI INSTALASI RADIOLOGI RSUD Dr. MOEWARDI. RadX : Jurnal Ilmiah Radiologi, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, july 2016. ISSN 2527-6581. Available at: <https://journalwh.uwhs.ac.id/index.php/jdx/article/view/2>. Date accessed: 24 jan. 2025.